The FreezerCam

This page does not belong to Ken's Foods They raised an issue with the fact that my name is "Ken", and tried to forcibly take the domain "" away from me. It didn't work.
As you can tell, most of * has moved to * As such, please change links/bookmarks/etc to the current page;

OK, so now that's done.... The freezercam is, as one could infer, a webcam installed in my freezer.
Pointless, mundane, and a touch boring, but it has gathered a bit of a cult following. I've gotten a few emails over the years from people who have told me that they've watched the camera all day and they're pretty pissed off that I haven't opened the door.
I'm sure now that I've posted one complaint, I'm sure I'll get more. They're always fun to read.

Somebody recently asked me how long the freezercam has been active.
The earliest reference I can find is December 21, 1997. There have been 14 different cameras (it took a while to find one that worked, long term, in the beginning), installed in 5 different freezers in 4 different houses.
It was offline for most of 2004, as I was traveling around the world and therefore freezerless and homeless. I brought it back online in March, 2005, and as of July, 2005, it's undergoing a URL change for the first time 8 years.
The most common comment that I get is something akin to "Why don't you install a light?" I don't want to, for several reasons. Besides the obvious drawbacks of heat gain (don't say LED's, I'm not spending any more money on this project!), I don't think I want to ruin the "old-school" feel and ambience of the original page.

I've saved a few archived images to look at.


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